Alien Objects


This feature is experimental. The API is subject to change and it has not been thoroughly tested across a variety of classes, libraries and environments. Use at your own risk.

The full potential of dataClay can be achieved through defining DataClayObject classes. These classes have the complete feature set offered by the dataClay storage system and they are highly flexible and can be customized to almost every situation.

However, there are scenarios in which there are legacy data structures (or builtins) used by the application; in those scenarios, reimplementing all the data model may not be ideal. In these cases, the application can use the AlienDataClayObject class (which inherits from DataClayObject).

Creating an AlienDataClayObject

A AlienDataClayObject instance is created with the following code:

import numpy as np

from dataclay import AlienDataClayObject

# initialization, application code, etc.

a = np.array(...)
a = AlienDataClayObject(a)

At this point, the object a is a AlienDataClayObject. This object can be used as a regular numpy array, but it can also be stored in the dataClay storage system. Once it is persisted, all its methods will be available as active methods (running in the dataClay backend).

To persist the instance, use the method make_persistent().

Using an AlienDataClayObject

A AlienDataClayObject instance behaves similarly to the underlying instance, it works as a kind of proxy. There are certain limitations, but most getter and setter operations will work as expected (being transparently forwarded to the underlying object in the backend). Same with its methods, which will be interpreted as active methods and executed in the backend.

AlienDataClayObject subtypes

When instantiating an AlienDataClayObject, the type of the object is dynamically generated. The resulting type is stored in the metadata of the object. In the previous example, type(a) is AlienDataClayObject[numpy.ndarray]. This type inherits from DataClayObject, so you can rely on isinstance and most mechanisms of the DataClayObject can be used normally.

Using builtins

You can use AlienDataClayObject with builtins, such as lists, dictionaries, etc. The following example shows how to use AlienDataClayObject with a list:

from dataclay import AlienDataClayObject

# initialization, application code, etc.

a = [1, 2, 3]
a = AlienDataClayObject(a)

# Persist the object

# Now, a behaves as a regular list, but this method
# runs within the dataClay storage system


Note that the type of this object a is AlienDataClayObject[builtins.list].