HPC Tracing

How to generate paraver traces in MN5 using COMPSs

In order to get the traces we will create a script.

  • First we have to import the COMPSs and DataClay modules in order to be able to use them, as well as defining which python version we will be using:

module load COMPSs/3.3
module load dataclay/edge
  • After importing those modules we can call the COMPSs script “enqueue_compss” which will automatically send the job to the MN5, adding the necessary options:

# USAGE: #
# >$ enqueue_comps [queue_system_options] [COMPSs_options] application_name application_arguments #

enqueue_compss \
        --storage_home=$DATACLAY_HOME/storage/ \
        --storage_props=$DATACLAY_HOME/storage/storage_props_example \
        --classpath=$DATACLAY_HOME/storage/StorageItf-1.0.jar \
        --pythonpath=$DATACLAY_PYTHONPATH \
        --qos=gp_debug \
        --project_name="XXXXX" \

This will generate a trace for each one of the nodes in the directory “$HOME/.COMPSs/[SLURM_JOB_ID]/trace/”. Something like this:




In order to generate the paraver files, we will call another COMPSs script, “compss_gentrace”. We can create another quick script to do it.

module load COMPSs/3.3


If we run this script in the same directory where we found the traces ($HOME/.COMPSs/[SLURM_JOB_ID]/trace/), the paraver files will appear.

How to inspect the traces in Paraver

To be able to see these files we will have to open them using the following commands:

#load paraver module
module load paraver
#You should get this response: load paraver/latest (PATH)
#run paraver application
wxparaver trace.prv

Paraver will display a small interface


If you get this error message Error: Unable to initialize GTK+, is DISPLAY set properly?

Try adding the -X option in your ssh connection. Example: ssh -X bscXXXXXX@gloginX.bsc.es

  • Then you have to press File>Load Configuration. There you can load the configuration you need.

  • COMPSs have some configurations you can use.

    To access their configurations you have to search in /gpfs/apps/MN5/GPP/COMPSs/3.3/Dependencies/paraver/cfgs/


Load the compss_runtime.cfg and the compss_tasks.cfg

Those traces are easy to interpret and will help you understand how it works.