
General dataClay exceptions

In general, dataClay will prefer to raise the exceptions defined below.

exception DataClayException[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions in this module.

exception AlreadyExistError(id)[source]

Bases: DataClayException

<id> already exists.

exception DoesNotExistError(id)[source]

Bases: DataClayException

<id> does not exist.

exception AccountError(username)[source]

Bases: DataClayException

Base exception for account errors.

exception AccountInvalidCredentialsError(username)[source]

Bases: AccountError

A credentials verification returned False. The credentials were invalid

exception DatasetError(dataset_name)[source]

Bases: DataClayException

Base exception for dataset errors.

exception DatasetIsNotAccessibleError(dataset_name, username)[source]

Bases: DatasetError

The dataset is not accessible.

exception AliasError(alias_name, dataset_name)[source]

Bases: DataClayException

Base exception for alias errors.

exception AliasDoesNotExistError(alias_name, dataset_name)[source]

Bases: AliasError

The alias <alias_name> does not exist in the dataset <dataset_name>

exception AliasAlreadyExistError(alias_name, dataset_name)[source]

Bases: AliasError

The alias <alias_name> already exists in the dataset <dataset_name>, so you can not define it again

exception ObjectError(object_id)[source]

Bases: DataClayException

Base exception for object errors.

exception ObjectNotRegisteredError(object_id)[source]

Bases: ObjectError

The object is not registered in dataClay (one of the ways to register an object is by using the function {make_persistent})

exception ObjectWithWrongBackendIdError(backend_id, replica_backend_ids)[source]

Bases: ObjectError

DataClay had the wrong backend ID stored for the object <object_id>. DataClay will automaticaly search for the correct backend.

exception ObjectIsNotVersionError(object_id)[source]

Bases: ObjectError

The object doesn’t have an <_dc_meta.original_object_id>, which means that it is not a version

exception ObjectIsMasterError(object_id)[source]

Bases: ObjectError

The object <object_id> is the master. This means it is registred, it is local and it is not a replica

exception ObjectNotFound(object_id)[source]

Bases: ObjectError

The object <object_id> could not be found

exception ObjectStorageError(object_id)[source]

Bases: ObjectError

The object could not be stored

exception BackendError(ee_id)[source]

Bases: DataClayException

Base exception for backend errors.

exception NoOtherBackendsAvailable(ee_id)[source]

Bases: BackendError

There are no other backends. This means that there is only one backend running or even there are no backend running at all

exception DataclayError(dataclay_id)[source]

Bases: DataClayException

Base exception for dataclay errors.

exception DataclayIdError[source]

Bases: DataClayException

Base exception for dataclayId errors.

Proxy exceptions

The middleware can throw the exceptions defined below.

exception MiddlewareException[source]

Bases: Exception

Exception raised for errors in the middleware.